Title: SNC Autocrypt User Guide
Description: Tails OS based SNC Autocrypt communication platform

About SNC Autocrypt Communications Platform

SNC Autocrypt

We are glad to announce materialization of our efforts to educate our friends and assist them in daily life privacy and security enhancement. We successfully layered Autocrypt team's efforts to incrementally and carefully replace clear text e-mail with end-to-end encrypted e-mail on top of Tails OS excellent portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship. As a result - SNC Autocrypt encrypted portable communication platform on personal USB key, including Epyrus/Enigmail e-mail client, DeltaChat messenger, and OnionShare anonymous file sharing drop-box / web-hosting over TOR network, is born.

GnuPG/Kleopatra digital signing and/or encryption of e-mail and chat messages, anonymous TOR browser, OnionShare temporary web-server and file drop-box, protected by TOR onion services, are ultimate privacy and security tools in modern world of communications.

Our SNC Autocrypt anonymous encrypted communication platform (LiveUSB OS key) is based on Debian 11.6 and Tails 5.11 operating systems. It serves as excellent start point for everybody who is concerned about personal communication security and privacy. The system runs directly from USB key on your Intel-64 platform notebook or desktop hardware, or in a virtual machine of any OS, which provides physical USB disk boot capabilities for virtual machines (Linux KVM, Oracle VM VirtualBox just a few...). Of course, virtualization layer compromises security, but if convenience and speed is priority, no need to reboot your hardware for quick secure online actions by just inserting USB device, is a big advantage.

It uses compressed and read-only SquashFS file system, altogerther with LUKS encrypted OverlayFS for persistency. Such non-typical file system implementation provides extra protection layer against malware and viruses. It also (via persistency rules configuration) provides full user control of which user data is preserved and which is completely destroyed after system shutdown.

The platform is released under the GNU/GPL (version 3 or above) license, could be downloaded for free from our website as img file, and installed on your own 8GB USB key using Linux dd (or equivalent tools of other OS'es). Persistence unlock passphrase (for distribution purposes) is the final part of downloaded file name and you should change it immediately after installation.

SNC Autocrypt can also be purchased from us or our distributors as ready to use weatherproof 16GB USB key with integrated encrypted document storage container and printed User Manual / NotePad for private records. External large capacity USB disk version is also available for secure mobile document storage and transportation purposes.

We believe that Investigative Journalists, Political Party Activists, Commercial and Scientific Confidential Material Managers and Legal Procedure Officers will be impressed by our communication platform features, designated to make their daily business life much easier.