Title: SNC Delivest User Guide
Description: Debian 11.6 secure remote Office Works Suite

System Administration

In this chapter – Linux, GNU and Debian Live management guides, Midnight Commander file manager, Lynx text mode browser for world wide web, NeoMutt text mode mail reader, iftop, nmap and wireshark network analyzing and diagnostic software.

Debian GNU/Linux administration, Debian Live exclusive features

Debian is a Linux distribution composed of free and open-source software, developed by the community-supported Debian Project, which was established by Ian Murdock on August 16, 1993. The first version of Debian (0.01) was released on September 15, 1993, and its first stable version (1.1) was released on June 17, 1996. The Debian Stable branch is the most popular edition for personal computers and servers. Debian is one of the oldest operating systems based on the Linux kernel. The project is coordinated over the Internet by a team of volunteers guided by the Debian Project Leader and three foundational documents: the Debian Social Contract, the Debian Constitution, and the Debian Free Software Guidelines (from Wikipedia article). SNC Delivest Office Works Suite documentation includes comprehensive administration guide called "Debian Reference", which could be accessed by clicking main menu entry "SNC Delivest - Manuals - GnuLinux Debian Reference".

Debian Live OS (operating system) is an operating system we can boot from USB disk or flash key without installing, after reboot the system will remain immutable, in its original state, a clean operating system. Any change we do, any additional software we install or file we create will disappear after reboot. Additional configurations of persistence disk partition allow as selectivelycontrol, which our data is staying across, reboots of the system and which is never stored and exposed to outside world. Debian Live is based on combination of SquashFS and OverlayFS, which is extremely resistant to malware attacks, as they are individually configured per user and distribution update. Detailed User Manual of Debian Live Project produced Debian based live systems is available online.

Midnight Commander file manager

Midnight Commander is a feature rich full-screen text mode application that allows you to copy, move and delete files and whole directory trees, search for files and run commands in the subshell. Midnight Commander's features include the ability to view the contents of RPM package files, to work with common archive formats as if they were simply another directory, and to function as an FTP or FISH client. Midnight Commander also includes an editor called mcedit, which can be executed as a standalone program or from Midnight Commander using the F4 key. mcedit's features include syntax highlighting for many languages, macros, code snippets, simple integration with external tools, automatic indentation, mouse support, a clipboard and the ability to work in both ASCII and hex modes. Users also have the option to replace mcedit with the editor of their choice (Options Menu>Configuration>[Don't] Use Internal Edit).

Lynx text mode browser

Lynx is a customizable text-based web browser for use on cursor-addressable character cell terminals. As of 2023, it is the oldest web browser still being maintained, having started in 1992. It has exclusive privacy features - because Lynx does not support graphics, web bugs that track user information are not fetched, meaning that web pages can be read without the privacy concerns of graphic web browsers. However, Lynx does support HTTP cookies, which can also be used to track user information. Lynx therefore supports cookie whitelisting and blacklisting, or alternatively cookie support can be disabled permanently.

NeoMutt e-mail client

NeoMutt is a command line mail reader based on Mutt, text-based email client for Unix-like systems. It supports most mail storing formats (notably both mbox and Maildir) and protocols (POP3, IMAP, etc.). It also includes MIME support, notably full PGP/GPG and S/MIME integration. NeoMutt is fully integrated with Autocrypt standard, which provides easy to use, individual, passive protection against data collection. Keys are distributed via an Autocrypt header added to emails, and user needs no extra actions to have fully encrypted e-mail correspondence - no need for paid certificates or any centralised authorization servers.

Network tools: iftop, nmap and wireshark

What exactly do you need? All these tools will help you control your network infrastructure and let you know what's happening "inside the pipes".