Warning: This document is for the development version of Bareos Documentation. The main version is bareos-22.


Functional Changes

If the documenation wants to point out, that a feature has been added or some functionality changed in a specific version, use the following role:

If you want to point out a limitation in the Bareos functionality, the following formatting should be used:

:sinceVersion:`<version>: <Summary>`

Bareos version number, e.g. ‘’18.2.5’’.


A short summary.

This role will only display ‘’Version >= <version>’’. The <Summary> will appear only in the index.

The index will contain entries:

  • bareos-<version>

    • Summary


  • Summary

    • bareos-<version>


From Bareos :sinceVersion:`19.2.1: Documentation converted from Latex to Sphinx` on, the Bareos documentation is written in reST/Sphinx instead of Latex.

This will be displayed as:

From Bareos Version >= 19.2.1 on, the Bareos documentation is written in reST/Sphinx instead of Latex.


:sinceVersion: is a legacy role. Sphinx itself offers

Until defined otherwise, you should use :sinceVersion: instead of these.

Release Notes

If you want to display the release notes of a Bareos stable release, use the following template:

.. index::
   :pair: Release Notes; bareos-$VERSION

.. _bareos-$VERSION:


================ ===============================================
Code Release     $DATE_OF_GIT_TAG
Database Version $DBVERSION (unchanged)
Release Ticket   :issue:``
Url              http://download.bareos.org/bareos/release/18.2/
================ ===============================================

This release contains several bugfixes and enhancements. Excerpt:

-  :issue:``
-  :issue:``



.. index:: 
   :pair: bareos-17.2.7; Release Notes

.. _bareos-17.2.7:


================ ===============================================
Code Release     2018-07-13
Database Version 2171 (unchanged)
Release Ticket   :issue:`966`
Url              http://download.bareos.com/bareos/release/17.2/
================ ===============================================

This release contains several bugfixes and enhancements. Excerpt:

-  :issue:`892` **bareos-storage-droplet**: improve error handling on unavailable backend.
-  :issue:`902` **bareos-storage-droplet**: improve job status handling (terminate job after all data is written).
-  :issue:`967` :strong:`Windows`: overwrite symbolic links on restore.
-  :issue:`983` |bareosSd|: prevent sporadic crash when :config:option:`sd/storage/CollectJobStatistics = yes`\ .
-  :strong:`SLES 12sp2` and :strong:`SLES 12sp3`: provide **bareos-storage-ceph** and **bareos-filedaemon-ceph-plugin** packages.

See the output at bareos-17.2.7.

Reference to a Release

To refer to a release, use:



This refers to bareos-17.2.7.


This refers to bareos-17.2.7.


Release URL - Bareos.org

If you want to display the release download URL from the Bareos.org site, the following formatting should be used:


Release URL - Bareos.com

If you want to display the release download URL from the Bareos.com site, the following formatting should be used:


Contributions Download URL

If you want to display the download URL of plugins available on Bareos.org, the following formatting should be used:
